The latest Windows 10 updates you need to know

May 22, 2020

Microsoft will roll out the latest Windows 10 update for free before the end of May 2020. Expect improvements to…

Secure your business printers to avoid getting hacked

May 20, 2020

To achieve foolproof cybersecurity, you must make sure that every endpoint is protected from threats. That means securing every network,…

Microsoft 365: New Office 365 features for the same price

May 11, 2020

On April 21, Microsoft rebranded its Office 365 (O365) Home and Personal plans asMicrosoft 365 (M365) Personal and Family subscriptions.…

Stay afloat during the pandemic: 5 useful tips

May 6, 2020

As the coronavirus disease continues to spread all over the world, more and more businesses are faced with a difficult…

How to avoid issues caused by Windows 10’s April update

May 4, 2020

One of the most consistent issues with Windows 10 has been how updates are rolled out to users. Usually, the…

Buying antivirus software? Consider the following points

May 1, 2020

You probably didn’t need to worry about antivirus protection before. At the office, the IT department handled it. At home,…

Preparing your Office suite for changes brought by COVID-19

Apr 20, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to be creative with collaboration and productivity — and made work from home (WFH)…

How working from home is becoming the new norm

Apr 15, 2020

For many businesses, remote working seemed impossible for a multitude of operational and financial reasons. But with the COVID-19 pandemic…

Three methods to download and install Windows 10

Apr 13, 2020

Need to download Windows 10? Microsoft has got you covered. Windows 10 is available for download anytime online, and it’s…